There’s no reason to make this personal. 3G’s just carrying the torch.
I notice the trend in creationism is to at least become familiar with the the science. You don’t see a lot of the old, “I carbon tested a rock and it was only 50,000 years old” nonsense any more.
That’s a very recent and positive trend.
(Now if they can just get the science right.)
You dont see a lot of the old, I carbon tested a rock and it was only 50,000 years old nonsense any more.
Nope. Now we have arguments from the creationists that our 12 billion year old universe and the ~6000 year old earth owe their existence to the exact same creation event.
GGG doesn’t post much from the ID side of the world, but since this merely opines about the naivete of Darwin, it has passed the post it test.
GGG - All thought is not willed. Since the foundation of the argument laid out here is fatally flawed, it renders his conclusions suspect at best.
Your brain is obviously secreting.
That’s the part that’s not going to happen. I take great umbrage at the cherry-picking-science-as-foregone-conclusion to prop up “creationary” beliefs.