I would conclude the task is too difficult. Conservatism assumes people want to work to get ahead.
I live in Sheila Jackson Lee's congressional district in Houston, which was once held by George Herbert Walker Bush and then by Barbara Jordan for years.
Before Sheila had it (and her majorities run to 75% year after year), her predecessor was a shambling, worthless lawyer-bum named Craig Washington. Washington had snappy clothes, scummy friends and worse associates (one of his legislator pals in the Texas lower house was found dead in the middle of the day on his hideaway office-boudoir king-sized bed, his nose full of cocaine and other drugs, wearing only a condom, a full erection, and a smile), and he ignored the district assiduously while hobbing and nobbing with his bro's in the DC Congressional Black Caucus.
One year after many tales of malfeasance and inattentiveness to constituents had drawn a vigorous and intelligent Republican opponent named Ed Blum (a bond broker at Paine Webber), Washington accepted Blum's challenge to debate the issues publicly, in a public forum.
The "debate" was a disgrace. Washington came unprepared and obviously uncaring, he had no answers to questions of fact and fumbled and fooled around whenever it was his turn to speak. When asked a question by his opponent, he'd shamble and smokestack, saying things like "Well, I guess you've got me there", until the whole thing began to be revealed for what it was -- a gigantic diss of his opponent, an elaborate insult to both Blum and some of the voters.
Then Washington won the general election with 74% of the vote.
That's what we're talking about in these gerrymandered districts, in which a few honest voters are pent up with a racist horde who only vote skin color on election day, and the only issue is "who is blacker?" or "who is more authentically black?" That's all the black racists want to know. And there is no way they are not voting for Maxine or Cynthia McKinney or Sheila, come hell or high water. They're bad citizens and they don't care -- or rather, they do care: they care about being bad citizens, and they care about taxing white people and then wasting the money if need be, lest any of it find its way back to the original owners. They care about that.
Get the picture now?