The Canadian Free Press are a distraction, and continue to spout allegations while asserting that they really can’t reveal who was threatened. I don’t know if their objective is site “hits,” but their claims are meaningless. If you really think the notion of “natural born citizen” is too complicated for the masses then perhaps you could help to explain it? Or could it be that you’d like to see the goose chases continue?
For someone to be naturally a citizen at birth, jurists dating from Greek and Roman times, but more importantly, the founders of our country, require birth in the country of citizenship, and parents who are its citizens. Our Constitution only requires natural born citizenship of our president and vice president, because our president is also commander in chief of the military. Is that so complicated?
There are no other definitions. The author of the 14th amendment, John Bingham, reaffirmed the definition above, as have a dozen other cases. Only an amendment to the Constitution can change that definition. Obama is illigitimate. Every bill he signs, every appointment, every treaty, every military order is illigitimate. That seems clear to me. Read the Kerchner/Apuzzo blog or, if he has left his articles intact, the Donofrio blog for more details.