Never heard of this guy.
The only taste this schmuck has is in his mouth.
What a putz.
“...which the cable network defended as “playful.””
I refuse to contribute one thin dime to support the ongoing coarsening of American culture by such talentless, secular purveyors of cheap “humor” as the odious Larry David.
I define that as playful.
Larry is a Christian Hater along with a lot of Jewish Hollywood types!
One just never knows what's going on with such people.
Hey, Larry... really press the boundaries of humor... urinate on a Koran.
Like to see him do that to a painting of Mohammad
Just curious, what if he p1ssed on a picture of Mohammed, or Ali, or some muslim poobah? What if he urinated on a picture of the Koran?
I am so sick and tired of Christians and Christianity being subjected to this kind of thing.
The “joke” was really childish. True bathroom humor. Not overly funny.
A “brave” joke would be urinating on the Koran. Or toss the Koran in the garbage can while saying aloud “What a bunch of lies.”
That would be brave indeed.
I wish I subscribed to HBO so I could cancel.
I called and let HBO know what I thought of it!
I am getting f’ng tired of atheists and other creeps insulting and mocking Christianity just because they know we have a commandment to not kill them. There is no way in hell that Larry David has the balls to piss on a picture of Mohammed. Maybe some enterprising person will edit the video and substitute a picture of Mohammed into the video and post it on youtube. Satisfying as that might be, it is probably illegal.
It's a case of a godless secular jew with hatred of Christians, who was allowed to peddle his hatred to the masses.
His peers in Hollywood (writers, producers, etc.) obviously did not have a problem with it, and thought it was a good idea to put the scene into the show.
Sadly for him, America is not wholly Godless yet, and they still maintain a vestige of a moral compass. Folks who do not have a god do not have an unchanging, immutable moral compass, no matter what their religion may be.
Some enterprising techie should take the video and alter it so it shows him urinating on the Koran.
Then post it on Utube and get the Muslim world involved.
...still waiting for Larry David to be charged with a “hate” crime......<crickets chirping
What a disgusting pig.
Let me know when HBO has him urinating on the Koran.
When was this story covered by CNN? MSNBC? Rachel Maddow? Chris Matthews? Ed Shultz? Did Keith Olbermann get all bent out of shape over this? Just wondering...
Well then, let's hope he "playfully" pees on the Koran. What are the odds? :-)