Hmmm. Here are the probabilities of each of those letters in English.
Letter Probability Cum Probability
i 0.0794
f 0.0147 0.00116718
u 0.0366 4.27188E-05
c 0.0474 2.02487E-06
k 0.0084 1.70089E-08
y 0.02 3.40178E-10
o 0.0712 2.42207E-11
u 0.0366 8.86477E-13
There are eight letters to be selected independently. What are the odds that each of those letters would appear in a random eight selection. The answer is:
That’s really low. But it gets lower. You need to factor in the probability that they would appear in the order to spell out the three word message of eight letters. I believe the odds of that are 1/8!. When you put those together, the proabilitiy of those letters appearing in just that order is :
Fewer than one letter out of one quintillion letters would produce that sequence by random chance.
I understand, however, it’s good to see someone, anyone, even Ahnold telling a piece of trash to do exactly what he told him after what that piece of trash told Ahnold.
I’m fed up with pc. PC can kiss my _ _ _ !@!