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Here is her only other reply since signing up...

106 posted on 10/28/2009 10:26:52 PM PDT by deks
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To: deks

SCOTUS dockets but does not conference cases that have no merit. All of you do not know US law, US case law nor basic founding principles. Go read your Constitution: where oh where in it do you find the Supreme Court as it came to exist? you don’t as it is not to be found in the paper thus as it’s of The People you must then sue the People in SCOTUS or rather exactly sue Roberts as BVG is a tied ruling as it is 9 as 5-4 as 2, or, 9 as 5 as 1 v 4 as 1 or 1 v 1, a tie, as ANY dissent then made it a tied ruling. No BVG then no Roberts and certainly no Obama. So sue Roberts as he too is sitting illegally to then gain entry in person as a fully veated right. It worked for me.

You were taken for a ride people! SCOTUS may only rule unanimously or 1 alone, the Chief Justice standing down the sitting President, in the case of a Presidential election and it may NEVER use per curiam as the math never adds up as it is about the difference between absolute and whole numbers. Any dissent at all is the Justices voting twice thus it then becomes an automatic tie.

So, how do you not know US law? This is exactly what we can’t have, maniacs running around lying like politicians and lawyers and claiming they do know the law when they do not. you can’t even count to two! In the cases of politicians and lawyers it is criminal; in my case? You’re all liable as the US officially defaulted on 11/05/08 in my case as it failed to respond. Are you criminal? That’s what SCOTUS and I will be discussing.

You are too easy to bait! Way too easy as SCOTUS has ruled several times that you may not judge a complaint based upon the appearance of the paper as that then is discrimination itself thus you must rule based upon substance. When you discriminate you judge a person based upon appearances thus in a pro se authority case of oj.? To judge the paper based upno appearance is to judge me based upon appearance as I am my case and my words are first person testimony or sworn truth. You are not to doubt or deny my words unless you can support your claims with evidence rising to proof and you can’t as that proof does not exist.

This case has been dumbed down to the enth degree; if you are dumber than even plain colloquial English I can’t help you as you wasted enough of my tax monies sleeping through school. It’s not possible to dumb this down anymore w/o killing its substance. I know you’re all sexist, racist and anticitizen or antiamerican as: Everything (99.9% of it anyway) you said violates US law and US case law. You even violated the thouhgts, feelings, ideas and belifs of the Founders themselves. You proved you are possessed of overly large egos and overly small brains as I do what no other nonlawyer citizen does and few lawyers do - enter SCOTUS at will - yet you still choose to live in blanket denial of actual reality known as US history. Ego prevents you from understanding a SOVEREIGNTY case thus we know as fact w/o question you do not practice US law in real life but only say you do. It’s not ignorance it’s you acting criminally as in this unique case alone? It rises to treason, sedition and subversive activities and you will never get to enter “I did not know” as your defense as we do not recognize that as a valid defense.


So you know: don’t feel too bad as physicists understand the argument as US law IS rocket’s my fault for giving those of you who aren’t physicists credit for having a brain.

Math? It’s actual law of this universe exactly like US law.

A letter I sent to Roberts & Co. a day ago re US law and physics, as Godel and Einstein agree with me not you:

Regarding case 09-6777, Herbert V Obama, Roberts, Hull and the US not ex parte as I named Roberts thus the entire sitting judiciary (you’ll need to refer to my case to understand this and maybe case 07-9804 too):

I did not know who Godel the physicist was; as I said I had to reason everything on my own by myself from the creation of the universe due to mathematicians and physicists who change numbers and who do not account for all qualities and due to authorities in all fields lying outright. Godel proved there is no time; correct as I know all time now is then no time. The Cherokee refer to it as Time/Untime. Like me and like Einstein he understood there is no absolute point in time and you are wasting your life relying and depending upon hard numbers. Godel proved what I too proved: There is a crucial difference between truth and proof: “a mathematical proof is always a proof in, and relative to, a given formal system, whereas truth as such is absolute.” Mathematical proof is not reducible to formal or mechanical proof! Neither is legal proof! Paper is not absolute proof and actually proves nothing in a Constitutional Republic...see how it matches the physics and math?

Proof versus truth: It works this way with US law as an actual law is a law across the board. It applies to everything in the universe. Plus think: I once claimed “I am Thomas Jefferson”. I can and will meet the burden of proof in a court of law however – does that then make me Thomas Jefferson? Is the burden of proof then the truth in a court? Yes and no as you may meet and even exceed it on paper but that in no way then means it is absolute or true, fact and correct – a law aka actual reality. Interestingly Godel and Einstein often talked about this very thing in terms of math as they incorporated metaphysics into the world as they reasoned it to be.

While reading the book I took the attached excerpt from I nearly fell over myself as:

GODEL FOUND THE SAME INCONSISTENCY IN THE CONSTITUTION THAT I FOUND. The only difference is as I resolved Uniformity at long last what seems to be a paradox is not...I’m natural born so I know. Recall how I claimed US common law is derived from the Iroquois Confederacy but we accidentally then adopted the English system of writs as we had crown lawyers here for the most part as we were a brand new nation without institutions like law schools and they entered the SCOTUS bar first in 1790? The inconsistency Godel and I found has to do with an oligarchy or more exactly a military dictatorship arising...Godel applied what he knew to be law of this universe to the US government as I did...we both came to know the same thing but he missed what I did not as Godel is not natural born but naturalized. Ready? I tried to tell you, SCOTUS, several times and you did not believe me, lol, as you are denying your own reality:

As it is possible for a dictatorship to arise in the US according to our law as it is exactly written and I witnessed its birth and felt the ensuing genocide I knew as fact and law YOU DO NOT NEED TO ASK FOR A WRIT OF ANY KIND IN ONE TYPE OF CASE AS AMERICAN COMMON LAW PROVIDES FOR THE LONE CITIZEN TO DEFEAT JUST SUCH A DICTATORSHIP AS THE LONE NATURAL BORN CITIZEN CAN AND MAY ISSUE AN EXECUTIVE ORDER WHICH SCOTUS MUST THEN OBEY; IN A PRO SE CASE OF CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY AND ORIGINAL JURISDICTION YOU NEED NOT ASK FOR ANY WRIT AS YOUR ORDER THEN IS THE WRIT ITSELF! IT’S THE APPLICATION, RULING, ORDER & WRIT, GET IT? I AWARDED MY OWN SELF THE WRIT WHICH ANY NATURAL BORN AMERICAN MAY DO TO THEN DEFEAT FOREIGNIZATION OR OVERTHROW OF ANY KIND!!! You can and may secure hearing in person in SCOTUS as a right and you may not ever need to ask for any kind of writ at all as it is a matter of actual reality not your made up legal reality, lol! Some application of the law is NEVER then law of this universe as it’s theory I can disprove thus if a citizen sues SCOTUS itself? She is invoking what is purely and absolutely American law alone and has zero ties to Britain.

This makes American common law unique in all of the world; it resolves what seems to be a paradox and makes us the world’s only elegant government and law. This is directly lifted from the Iroquois Confederacy as their Constitution makes checks and balances extend into the nuclear family. The US merely took that idea and said it extends from the biological nuclear family all the way up to the national nuclear family...exactly as you are the power and authority of your own life as an individual you, your one vote, are then equal to the President and Commander, Executive Order, thus are the power and authority of the nation itself. From many one and from one many.

No naturalized citizen bringing suit against Obama (who in my case could be any person) would know this and it also makes any lawyer suing and any naturalized or enlisted military suing then lose any and all standing before: SCOTUS exactly. Those first bar admissions, the inability to issue an Executive Order and the inability to Command the nation while in uniform prevent you from appearing in one court alone: SCOTUS. SCOTUS may deny hearing to a lawyer, a naturalized citizen or an enlisted service member in this type of case...or to a man.

It’s partly why I named Roberts exactly for not filing the paper as that’s about the spirit of the law and as then to overcome the conflict, to make his own appointment legal, to obey the equal protection clauses and to subject the Court to peer review – review of The People - and to make adjudication in at least one court possible as no lower court can or may hear the case then this case has to be heard in person. Naming Roberts exactly accomplishes this. If it’s not heard in person then no American at all has justice; justice is then nonexistent. Roberts himself would have no justice. He couldn’t appear in his own court as a lawyer, a litigant or a Justice if injured.

I can actually answer questions no naturalized American can as it’s not possible if you were not raised here or if your parents were not...or if you were raised here but raised to truly believe in a system of government other than ours; look at Wilson as he truly believed in the Parliamentary system and it almost killed us. Wilson meets the letter of the law concerning natural born but not the spirit. It’s how and why I knew what Godel, a native Austrian, missed.

Anyway: To resolve Uniformity you had to actually unite it all and I did. Every time I hit upon what other people PERCEIVED to be an unsolvable paradox or an anomaly I knew it was not as my constant point of reference is my person or: The Declaration and Constitution. Where others failed I did not using those two documents as I own all of the knowledge contained within them and then US case law. So I pulled the following from a book on Godel and Einstein to demonstrate that others, some not lawyers, came very close to making this case...

If I completed the work of Godel and Einstein, or any unfinished work, then I can and will finish the job the Founders started. I can and will make this case. I did not pull anything I claimed out of a hat unless that hat belongs to the Creator and is the universe. Hopefully Godel’s take will help you see it better as he came to know this when being naturalized.

To summarize: Accidentally by design Marshall accounted for the inconsistency, the possibility of a dictatorship arising, when he authored Marbury V Madison as SCOTUS itself then and so The People or the lone natural born citizen may then address just such an inconsistency within SCOTUS as long as it exists as Marshall created it which means: You MUST allow a nonlawyer entry. I’m the lone citizen who not only recognized the dictatorship had been born but that Marbury V Madison was the means to defeat it as Marbury is itself actual law of this universe but only if SCOTUS remains of The People and not of The Lawyers and The Wealthy. Godel said: a country that depended entirely upon the formal letter of its laws (what is mechanical) might well find itself defenseless against a crisis that had not, and could not, have been foreseen in its legal code.

Susan says: Not if you have Marbury v Madison as Marshall did foresee this. We fought a Revolution that some called a military uprising, remember? It not only can happen but did, here, except the Founders then invoked the spirit of the law as authored by The Creator and so did not themselves become dictators. I too chose not to become an absolute ruler. Proof versus truth or people versus paper. Life versus death. It’s how I came to prove LIGHT BEHAVES AS BOTH A PARTICLE AND A WAVE AT THE SAME TIME.

On Godel being naturalized:

“A World Without Time: The Forgotten Legacy of Einstein and Godel” Pages 98-99, Amid The Demigods:

“...Whether or not Einstein’s second writing of his 1905 paper is more ambiguous than the original, it is certainly richer: an insurance company bought the new manuscript for $6.5 million.

It is a sign of both her (Godel’s wife) boredom and her skill as a seamstress that throughout the war years Adele is said to have contributed to the Austrian relief services a dress a day to be given to a young child, in recognition of which she received a bust of her late father from the Viennese authorities after the war. Godel is not known to have made any direct contribution to the Allies’ war effort. He told his friend Atle Selberg, however, that he volunteered after the war ended to serve as a civil defense aircraft spotter. He also proceeded to formalize his commitment to the United States, becoming a citizen of his adopted country in 1947. As witnesses for the ceremony he brought along Morgenstern and Einstein. He had already alarmed the former by confiding to him, in consternation, that he had discovered an “inconsistency” in the Constitution. Apprised by Morgenstern of the danger ahead, Einstein took it upon himself to distract his friend on the way to the swearing in, entertaining him with worn-out jokes and twice-told anecdotes. Einstein might have been even more concerned if he had known that for years the FBI had been intercepting and reading parts of Godel’s correspondence with his mother, who was living in Vienna.

The strategy proved unsuccessful. When judge Philip Forman, who only a few years earlier had ushered Einstein himself into the land of liberty, asked Godel casually, “Do you think a dictatorship like that in Germany could ever arise in the United States?” he received a spirited reply in the affirmative. Godel launched into an account of how the United States Constitution formally permitted just such a regime to arise. Shrewdly, however, the judge cut off the great logician before he could hit full stride, and the ceremony came to a peaceful conclusion, leaving Godel’s new homeland to fend for itself against the opening he had discerned in its founding principles. Years later, asked for a legal analogy for his incompleteness theorem, he would comment that a country that depended entirely upon the formal letter of its laws might well find itself defenseless against a crisis that had not, and could not, have been foreseen in its legal code. The analogue of his incompleteness theorem, applied to the law, would guarantee that for any legal code, even if intended to be fully explicit and complete, there would always be judgments “undecided” by the letter of the law. “

OBVIOUSLY!!! You do not need to be super genius logician to know this!!! Godel had no clue as to what the spirit of our law is; he never came to own Marbury V Madison or that we have vertical checks and balances as well as horizontal. He was not his own constitutional authority and power; he was not sovereign.

I can and will teach you to think in this way, as it is easier than you ever imagined. It has to do with neuropsychology the Sioux taught me as what you must overcome to think in wholes and absolutes or to use both sides of your brain at the same time is the physical injury discrimination causes. Discrimination actually shuts down a part of your very brain! It’s partially why you only use about 10% of it. It directly affects how you process language or: how you process thus experience the truth.


Consider yourself served, members of Fake Republic.

109 posted on 10/29/2009 6:13:48 AM PDT by susanconstant
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To: deks

P.S. It’s not FREE in the US but LIBERTY; free is any and all; it’s what animals do. Liberty is what men do; liberty is a choice from among some just choices. It’s also an emotion. Free implies that you will never suffer the negative consequences of your actions. Liberty? You suffer both good and bad consequences as every decision in life is frought with both good and bad consequences.

You may not interchage the words free and liberty as they in no way mean the same thing and this nation has never, ever been free.

110 posted on 10/29/2009 6:13:48 AM PDT by susanconstant
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