As a practicing Catholic, I find I have much more in common with GGG than any of these lost-boy stragglers that crowd his threads.
The fact that Dawkins singles out the Catholic church as a worthy target should give any Bible believing Christian pause. Not because Catholics themselves are any holier than their separated brethren, but because the Church is a font of grace and a source of moral and theological certitude in stormy times. That is, the Church is singled out, not because of its human assets, but because it is the chosen instrument of the Holy Spirit.
The reunion of the Church of England with the Church of Peter is a very exciting prospect. The Faith of the English was always most true and intellectually complete. The Separation of the Church of England by King Henry VIII was one of the most tragic events in salvation history; all because he did not trust God to provide him a male heir. Imagine the eager anticipation of those many souls who stood their ground, and who were drawn and quartered for their Faith, at what the Holy Spirit is about to accomplish? Soon Dawkins will have the Anglican grafted branch of the Catholic Church to contend with.
Handel, Lewis, and Chesterton would not have it any other way.
Wonderful that Our Lady may have at least a portion of her Dowry returned to her!