All I can say, IronKros, regarding the legalization of “harder drugs”, is based on my personal experiances in my younger days.
I feel that smoking pot is no worse for you then having a beer, or a cigarette. (in fact, I would vehemently argue that having smoking cigarettes is MUCH worse for you then smoking a joint... when I used to smoke cigarettes I got massive bronchitis 3x/4x a year, and since I quit those I’m fine)
I feel that harder drugs, like cocaine, heroin, meth, LSD and the like, are NOT in that same catagory. They completely destroy your ablity to reason in short order and give you all kinds of health problems.
I believe that people should have the freedom to decide for themselves what is acceptable, and what is unacceptable. So I see where you are going with this. I don’t have an answer for you other then my firsthand experiances. Pot = not so bad. Hard drugs = very easy to get into , very hard to get out of.
I also think that this is a VERY hot issue with the younger crowd, and the ‘rats realize this and are going to work to get legistlation passed so that record numbers of young voters get out there and support the Marxist policies of the Obama “administration”.
If you look at it from a commercial point of view, pot could be marketed sold and taxed just like alcohol or cigarettes. Harder drugs simply could not as they are widely known as dangerous and harmful substances making them at the onset defective products.
No producer could ever get the financial backing or insurance coverage necessary to bring these products to market. The product liability would be astronomical.