To: driftdiver
Christ is a typical RINO. He would immediately become part of the Snowe/Collins/McCain/Voinovich/Grahamnesty SELL-OUT team if elected. This we DON’T need.
11 posted on
10/25/2009 1:46:33 PM PDT by
To: Oldpuppymax
We are so proud here in SW Florida - this is where “The Hug” occurred . . . the home of Henrietta Hughes & Julio from McDonalds. (ugh)
After the humiliation of that lovefest visit, it would be so awesome if this hug would be what propels Rubio to defeat Crist.
Some things do come back to haunt ya - hope this happens to Crist!
To: Oldpuppymax
Christ is a typical RINO. He would immediately become part of the Snowe/Collins/McCain/Voinovich/Grahamnesty SELL-OUT team if elected. This we DONT need.
He needs to tax a pledge not to join the Gang of... RINO wing of the party.
22 posted on
10/25/2009 2:44:47 PM PDT by
(The media's love affair with Obama reminds me of a dog humping a telephone pole.)
To: Oldpuppymax
Crist is not so typical sine he and zero share a secret, they are both bisexual.
34 posted on
10/25/2009 4:29:51 PM PDT by
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