Obama trying to save the rats? LOL. The rats are sinking because of obama.
US President Barack Obama addresses a fund-raiser in Stamford, Connecticut. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have made a string of appearances at big money fund-raisers to give their support to Democratic gubernatorial candidates. (AFP/File/Jewel Samad)
“Obama trying to save the rats? LOL. The rats are sinking because of obama.”
True, Obama made the fools forget that all their absurd leftwing schemes were wool to be pulled over the eyes of the sheeple while they stole what they wanted. They started to believe their own horsecrap and convince themselves that it was just what America needed and wanted. It’s very dangerous to start believing your own lies. They used to deny being liberals, now they wear that proudly and are on the way to being proud to be called socialists. If they ever proudly proclaim themselves the communist party USA which is what they are at heart they will never get another legitimate vote.