I only started watching Beck last week. He's on @ 4:00 my time, so I have to DVR the show. I thought I should take a look, because Beck is way out in front with bombshells lately (Van Jones, Anita Dunn, ACORN pimps/hos, etc).
On Friday's show, he used the Brian De Palma film of The Untouchables to describe Obama's "Chicago style politics", and showed clips from the movie. That was all well and good. Where I thought he was over the top, was where he would say things like "they will KILL anybody who gets in their way". I can see how some would thing that was a bit strong.
Still, I like how Beck breaks things down so anyone can understand it. He needs to do some "air quotes" at times, though, when he uses words like "KILL".
Amazing she has no issue with the sometimes outrageous statements of Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Bob Beckel, Alan Combs on Fox but finds Glen Beck too extreme. Another example of liberals having no tolerance for a free exchange of ideas. Perhaps CNN will pick her up and give FOX Lou Dobbs.
Jane Hall was yet another MOR Media Analyst type who has been on FOX for years, apparently in service to the concept of being “fair and balanced”. SHe NEVER had ANYTHING of interest to say, was a total moderate only because she had NO point of view of her own, so a moderate/Lib by default. I think it might be time for FOX, to finally start to become the Network the Left and this Administration has always said it is: but to be it FOR REAL. That ‘fair and balanced’ thingy only got you more disapproval from the Left, FOX.....don’t you realize this is WAR???????
Bring back the Dhue.
“Hello, I’m Jane Hall. I’m very afraid of Glenn Beck. His constant use of the truth scares the liberal panties off me.......or at least they would if I wore panties,....which I don’t. I’m much safer now that I’ve left Fox. I’m no longer forced to confront accurate and factual data, and I’m now able to contribute more to the effort to destroy America and bring the horrible country to its knees. “
Scary Talk? Sheesh. Has she listened to the crap that the Obomba camp spews?
My but leftists are scared of their own shadows, aren’t they??
Did she thank Beck for saving the taxpayers over 8 billion dollars slated for ACORN before she left? Scary indeed.
Good for you Jane, you win the Chavez Red Star for excellence in two face liberalism. Way to stand up for your principles and get your lousy duplicitous arse off my television.
As the saying goes...Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!
If Jane Hall speaks and no one listens, does she still make a sound?
She’s lying. She left because all of her libPerv friends wwere either leaning on her to do so, or would no longer talj to her because she was appearing on Fox, even if she was defending the DemoGenerate POV. But then Socialist Democrats are like that, until they round you up and railroad you to the camps.
She really just didn’t want to lose her invitations to the cocktail parties. I actually hadn’t missed her ugly face, so no loss there.
Language, yeah right! After the language, outright lies and deception the left uses against the right she's doesn't like Beck for calling them what they are?
Get lost Jane, you loser! I'm so sick of people like Jane thinking she's so above everyone else and essentially acting like the dumbass moderates and rino's thinking 'bipartisanship' solves all these problems when it just creates more!
Jane Hall......LOL! What a joke.
Another mush-head woman voicing mush-head opinion. And America takes another step backward. Anytime any of you men out there decide it’s time to put the country back in the hands/minds of people who rely on “think” and not “feel”, feel free to step up.
I would like to hear whay Jane thinks is "over the top and scary."
- That Barack has surrounded himself with self-proclaimed Marxists?
- That Barack is driving the $ into the ground with outrageous defecits?
- That we need to get back to the principles of our Founders?
- Or that someone has the b@lls to say all this in one show everynight?
A win for Fox because she's gone, and another win for Fox because wherever she goes will bring down that Fox competitor.
'Win Win!