Markos Moulitsas, founder of The Daily Kos has endorsed Scozzafava. Dede Scozzafava has also been endorsed by NYSUT, the largest labor union in New York, and an affiliate of the National Education Association.
Scozzafava also holds these positions:
Pro choice
In favor of gay marriage
In favor of Employee Free Choice Act (and has said she would co-sponsor Card Check legislation)
In favor of the Stimulus
In favor of Bank Bailouts
Scozzafava has also run in past elections on the Working Families Party (a progressive party associated with ACORN) line on the ballot.
This lady isnt a RINO, she is a big R libeRal democRat. Mark Steyn has coined the term DIABLO for her and others like her. Democrat In All But Label Only.
There are also at least 17 unprincipled DIABLO enablers in the house who have donated funds or otherwise supported to this LibeRal democRat’s DIABLOs campaign. They include Boehner, Cantor, Sessions, Hensarling, Brown-Waite and McCotter. I dont have a full list, but I will be looking for it. These unprincipled enablers should be targeted for elimination in the primaries next year.
Also, perhaps those of us who donated to the RNC or RCCC should ask for our money back so we can support the conservative candidates of our choice.
I only 30 minutes ago sent a donation to Russell. It did not hurt that he was endorsed by Sarah. Indeed, I have ceased giving monies to the RNC and instead am targetting my money to candidates more in line with my beliefs and mores. I will continue to do this throughout the coming year and pray that by taking responsibility for my actions in this regard, the Lord may Bless me.
God Bless you and your fervor. I do support anti-abortion causes as well.