The need for the law seems to be redundant since any person that calls themselves a Christian and physically attacks another human, gay or straight should be locked in prison.
So, don’t attack a gay and you won’t be charged with a hate crime or a violent crime.
You go winking at me again and you may find out if I care.
It's about establishing homosexuals as a "protected class" and making their opponents walk in the shadow of "enemies of the State". And if you don't think that'll be a gold mine of repression, just ask anyone in the border-watcher community or the Ku Klux Klan about the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is all about suing people like them into nonexistence. They'll be happy to take on churches for preaching Leviticus, they were running out of Klansmen to sue. Their buddies in Canada already have taken on religion -- I refer you to our friends at