Jim, what does any of what you just said have to do with what has been written on this thread? You’re a Christian man, is this the way Christians respond?
I had written a much longer response then realized it was long winded and probably wouldn’t hit home anyway, so this is what I’ll say in a nutshell.
On an earlier Scozza thread one person wrote in relation to her candidacy “conservativism has to have minimum standards”. I nodded my head and thought that in one sentence this one anonymous poster summed up what should be the entire debate about supporting her on the GOP ticket.
So I ask you, conservatism needs to have minimum standards, shouldn’t Free Republic have standards as well?
Well, Bob, some things I just don’t worry about. There are plenty of pressing problems facing us, like, for instance, preserving our liberty from socialist/Marxist statist pigs.
Ad hominem attacks on a person solely because of their looks is wrong.
Liberalism is a political philosophy based in emotional anger. Without anger it wouldn’t survive. It is no coincidence that many of those who would be filtered aside by society’s eye are angry about that. I sincerely believe that belies many liberal attitudes.
It is no coincidence that for the most part, conservative women have a happier outlook and disposition, while liberal women carry around the jilted, chip on the shoulder anger for one reason or another.