It is a miracle that Steve Forbes turned out as normal as he did considering Malcolm was busy riding side-saddle on his Harley.
As you can see from that post, it's not a miracle: he is a result of a thoughtful and purposeful child-rearing.
Marx claimed that a person's values depend on his economic position. This has been repeated so many times that we think that there is at least something to that; "rich" cannot be normal, like the rest of us. In fact, the opposite is true: morality of a person has nothing to do with his position. It has something to do with his/her parents, going to church of synagogue, principled teaching in schools, but not wealth.
This reminds me. The same Malcolm Forbes said, "The only difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich have money."
Meaning, they have the same chance to be moral or immoral. It's their choice.