Thank you for the flattering post. Since I believe this thread has moved on but I have a question, would you mind if I address my question to you?
I was lost in thought while making a cup of tea, musing on how clowns can actually destroy a country. First I thought - well the framers of the constitution never thought that clowns would be such a threat - they envisioned dynastic tyrants, monarchs. But many monarchs were clowns so I began to think this isn’t the reason. And then I began to wonder if the framers of the constitution never envisioned a day in which so many weak, pliant, gullible people would occupy congres. That perhaps the framers did foresee the threat that clowns pose and they did install a ‘check’ on such clowns but they never believed the American people would populate the congress with a critical mass of persons unwilling to prevent a clown coup. Or? HOW has this come to pass that the reins can be given to such buffoonish people and all we can do,per the constitution at present, is call frantically from the sidelines “STOP!” (until they switched town halls to phone-in affairs so they can’t hear the ‘stop’ so clearly).
I am not sure Congress wasn’t always populated by power-hungry idiots. Have you read any Mark Twain?
What I think we are seeing now that is different is a President who does NOT love or like this country. Some of the Dems in Congress probably agree with him, though he has more ties to our enemies than any of them combined. Some of them are just in it for their own monetary gain and some are just in it for the chicks (or Dudes).
TERM LIMITS would have avoided it. 8 years max. That was a huge mistake.