As far as I know, there are only three cases where Natural Born citizenship has been called into question.
In Chester Arthur’s case, I haven’t done enough reading to understand whether or not his birth place and date were lies or mistakes. I just don’t know.
In Mcain’s case, he was examined as a candidate with Congress ruling in his favor.
In Obama’s case, there is no objective verifyable evidence of his US Natural Born citizenship yet there is substantial doubt to it.
I am not aware of any other candidate who’s citizenship status was even in doubt or would have had difficulty providing documentation if requested. Many of them had their citizenship status verified upon elistment or commissioning in the the US military.
Doesn’t the Constitution require the elected president to prove his eligibility?
Obama can make this all go away by simply holding a press conference with an official actual birth certificate.
I have to provide credentials for my employment, he is no better and must as well.
The Birthers are going around making themselves look like idiots, and making other Obama critics look like idiots by association. Why the hell would he WANT that to go away?
Gee! But... according to the author of this editorial to ask that Obama do that would be “annoying”, you see.
In a nonbinding resolution. The few lawsuits that were filed to challenge McCain's eligibility, one in New Hampshire and I believe one in California, were both dismissed due to lack of standing on the part of the plaintiffs. The same fate that Obama birther suits have been suffering.
But the long and short if that McCain was no more obligated to present a birth certificate as Obama was to present a COLB. But having done so, both did more than the law requires to prove eligibilitiy. Which is also more than any other President or presidential candidate has done.
Doesnt the Constitution require the elected president to prove his eligibility?
Obama can make this all go away by simply holding a press conference with an official actual birth certificate.
These cases have been going away on their own as judges dismiss them.
Obama should have been vetted by the DNC prior to selecting him as their candidate or submitting his name to the 57 states. the 20th ammendment section 3 talks of the president qualifying (ie. NBC and 35+ yrs.) Since congress counts the votes and therefore chooses the president it is their job to verify qualifications. It is documented that V.P. Cheney DID NOT ask for or consider objections from the Senators as is constitutionally required.
The Senate, not congress issued a sense of the Senate resolution, which means absolutely nothing as far as the Law, is concerned.
Interestingly enough they at first included Obama in that resolution, but later removed his name, I wonder why? Of course Steve, Parsy and Dirtyboy, will chime in and say they determined it would not be required in Obama's case because his citizenship was undisputed.
Of course the question remains as to why they thought it necessary in the beginning.