Would you want a demonstrably bad mechanic working on your car? You really need to look at Orly with a critical eye. I'm neutral on this matter, I'm not pro nor anti birther, but Orly transcends that - in the wrong way. It is too easy for spin doctors to trash your cause with someone like Orly as its face.
BTW, just about every profession has basic guidelines for submitting documents. And the more you deviate from those guidelines, the worse off you are. Throw in the overall weakness of Orly's arguments (such as the claim that Judge Carter had a conflict of interest because of two stocks that he owned), and she has neither style nor substance. That's the entire problem here.
Understood and can't defend her on technical merits.
However, she is a citizen, she has a cause, she has courage and tenacity, something the professionally qualified lawyers seem to lack.
Yeah, it would be great if someone could guide her a bit (assuming she'd accept it) but who? When?
At what point do we resign ourselves to tilting at windmills and subsequently resign ourselves to lives of subjugation?
Look, that may be, that her pleadings are not good. I do not know. I haven’t seen enough of a mix of legal pleadings as a layman in occasional contact with various layers of the legal system. I do know I have read some really crazy court transcripts in criminal cases (and watched a few actual cases too)— and not just the criminals, but the attorneys on both sides. And sometimes the magistrates.
Orly’s pleadings fall within the bounds of those I have seen, in as much as I have read a few as a layman.
Yet what is a Judge to do? Should not a Judge make the best case for all parties at these early stages, especially in cases where the public trust is at risk, or in the case of hard case criminals when the DA messes up, or on the side of a normal citizen in good standing when the defense attorney messes up? I mean strictly at the early stages — the discovery phases in this particular situation?
And what is a commentator like you or I to do? Should we weaken those on our own side by hectoring, complaining or lamenting? What good to any of those? Stay silent if the comment is unhelpful, and just a complaint — isn’t that a better way?