Artist sketches and other renderings of Ardi, the newly proposed replacement for Lucy as mans distant evolutionary ancestor, convey more than the raw data.
—In what way is it a replacement? This seems to be a bizarre, but common, misunderstanding from a number of Creationist sources. I havent seen any scientists claiming that Lucy isnt an ancestor just because Ardi may be. Its not as if they are in competition.
Of the many Ardipithecus ramidus fossil bones and fragments that were collected from 35 individuals along the Awash River in Ethiopia, a female was chosen to represent the species.
—Well duh; Ardi is by far the most complete specimen of the species found. As for her being given human breasts, they actually appear to be more inspired by chimpanzee breasts.
(The link to the picture in the next to last paragraph kinda shows that, although the pics are crude. Also notice that Au. afarensis is between humans and Ar. Ramidus showing that Lucy has in no way been replaced.)
In what way is it a replacement? This seems to be a bizarre, but common, misunderstanding from a number of Creationist sources. I havent seen any scientists claiming that Lucy isnt an ancestor just because Ardi may be. Its not as if they are in competition.
Uhhh, that’s exactly what’s going on...shift and confiscate the science money from one fraud to another. SO of course they’re not in competition. Lucy’s done her job.
It’s supposed to be Ardi’s turn now.