No grounds whatsoever for the quotes. No proof, no source. But it was still published. Rush should go after the publishers as well as the NFL.
Well, I guess I had better keep my day job and not go into the private eye business.
Still, I thought it was funny Olbermann never brought up Rush tonight on his show.
Thanks, rintense. Ok, Mods, shut ‘er down.
From the book’s back:
“Jack Huberman provides us with an entertaining and informative bestiary of the real crooks, liars and cheats who are screwing up America. These are not just the people making asses of themselves or getting more media attention than they deserve. Huberman restores the likes of Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, James A. Baker III, Gary Bauer Brent Bozell, Ann Coulter, Karen Hughes, Karl Rove, Leo Strauss and Ralph Reed to their rightful place in the national hall of shame, along with such oozing pustules of cultural putrefaction as the Olson Twins, Mel Gibson, William Bennett, Katie Couric, Matt Drudge, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, Oprah Winfrey, Teletubbies, the Simpson sisters, and God. “
And God?! That’s hilarious. God is screwing up America.