Free Republic Monthly Budget
Once we get our monthly donations to the point where they will cover all of our expenses, we will not need to have fundraisers.
Est. Recurring Monthly Contributions $10,262.00
Monthly ExpensesBandwidth and Colocation $2,430 System Administation and Programming 7,000 Administrative and Taxes 10,500 Legal and Accounting 1,000 Bank Fees, Credit Card Fees, Processing Fees 800 Equip, Maintenance and Repairs 300 Office Expenses, Rents, Insurance, Telephone, ISP, Supplies, Misc. 2,500 Travel Expenses 800 25,330.00
Est. Monthly Shortfall ($15,068.00)
- Est. Recurring Monthly Contributions
- This is the amount contributed by the monthly donors only. It does not include one-time donations.
- Est. Monthly Shortfall
- Amount needed in one-time donations per month or additional monthlies need to meet budget needs.
A Few Good FReepers!
What do I mean by "A few good FReepers wanted?"Well, we are currently delivering over 1.2 million pageviews to over 230,000 visitors per day. That's 40 million pageviews to 7 million visitors per month or 120 million pageviews per quarter, 480 million pageviews per year. We currently have over 330,000 registered screen names on FR. Out of these millions of visits, hundreds of millions of pageviews and hundreds of thousands of registered FReepers and hundreds of thousands of regular lurkers only a relatively FEW actually donate the funds to keep FR alive.
Now I'm not complaining because we've always managed to meet our fundraising goals in the past, but it is taking longer and longer to accomplish the task. And part of that may be because it's mostly the same few dedicated FReepers providing the funds and along with the rest of us I'm sure they're stretched to the limit. Sure would be nice if a few more FReepers and lurkers would lend a hand and send in a few bucks. Doesn't take much. I think our average donation is around $20, but you can send in $5, $10, $20, $30 or more and make it a monthly contribution if you can.
A relatively few good FReepers is all it takes to keep FR on the air so hundreds of thousands of us can join together in kicking liberal butt and fighting for our freedom!!
For example, 1,500 dedicated FReepers and lurkers donating an average of $20 each per month is all it takes to continue delivering these hundreds of millions of propaganda fighting, pro-liberty pages to tens of millions of readers every year. How many concerned citizens and potential voters can we reach for a tiny fraction of a cent per page? FR delivers a BIG bang for the buck!!
If you enjoy posting and or reading FR and have never donated before, please consider doing so today. You can donate by secure server by clicking the link above or send your checks or money orders to:
Free Republic, LLC
PO Box 9771
Fresno, CA 93794Thank you all very much for your continuing participation and support!!
29 posted on 10/10/2009 4:25:33 PM PDT by Jim Robinson (Follow me on Twitter: