I doubt it’s about killing white people, specifically. After all, the socialists love abortion, which kills far more black kids than whites. It could, however, be about killing old people because they tend to be a little less pliant and gullible than younger folks (though the AARP, among others, has been working on changing that for quite a while now), or it could just be about liberal hatred of anyone who’s inconvenient to them in any way.
Hunton, all I can say to someone who does not realize Marxists play racism for power against whites, you are not reading and listening or you are not beleiving what you see, read and hear.
I know blacks kids are hit by abortion but that is mainly because of behavior that results in out of wedlock pregnancy. I also know whites are going to be targeted for death in rationed health care and they get no say in their socialist assigned deaths. Blacks can use birth control or choose not to kill their babies. Whites will not have a choice - they are chosen - openly - for an early death in rathioned health care.