We are in deep doo-doo and if we don't move quickly and decisively to work on curing, not palliating the situation we're out of luck.
I would love to see a really objective worksheet that would let a person, or family, fill in the blanks about the taxes they pay and the benefits they receive and then give a final total as to how much of a producer or moocher they are. That would be very interesting!
In today's world a lot of us would be moochers, but not by choice rather because we've lost our job or haven’t been able to keep up with life. OTOH, there will be moochers who make absolutely NO contribution to the running of things but take and take and take.
Unfortunately it's not just the moochers in the Detroit money line. I'm dismayed at the ignorance of many so-called educated adults I meet. They don't seem to understand the most basic issues of supply/demand or that government doesn't have money apart from that which is taken from a producing citizen (leaving aside the hot printing presses for a moment . . . ). It's as though government money grows on money trees and we can reduce the price of something we don't want to pay for by government edict. Very frustrating.