I’m sure they didn’t like the man pointing out their corruption.
What IS this AmeriCorps beast, anyhow?
I’d like to know the lowdown on it. Not what they say they are or even what Wikipedia says it is.
Part of the reason is, it’s personal. I’ve been Barney Fifed for three years over yard grass height and other vegetation disputes by an occifer in my township who uses an AmeriCorps letterhead. When they threatened me last week “THERE WILL BE NO MORE WARNINGS” I decided this means war. The stupid ordinance they’re using literally calls for the removal, jackbooted if necessary, of ALL plants higher than eight inches — yup, no exceptions for landscaping or trees etc. by the “letter of the law” which Mr. Fife told me he was going to “follow.” But it also requires notice from the township, something they just can’t skip if they’re tired of dealing with me.