95% of these perverts are communists in the French Cinema, making the worst movies on the planet.
(Except Luc Besson, not on the list and the only French dude who can make a decent movie)
Luc Besson co-wrote “Taken”, the film starring Liam Neeson about an ex-spy saving his kidnapped daughter from sex slavery, so I was hoping he wasn’t on this list.
And here’s a quote from http://blog.movieset.com/2009/09/29/director-roman-polanski-arrested-switzerland/:
“Luc Besson, for instance, remarked: ‘I do not know the history of the process. ( ) I feel a lot of affection for [Polanski], hes a man I really like and I know him a bit, our daughters are very good friends but there is a justice, [and] it is the same for everyone’.”
(He better watch his daughter!)