“I wont even watch the 0lympics on TV if they are in Chicago. I want that commie pig usurper 0bozo to fail in everything he does or says.”
You know, the whole “tude” of this thread is really bugging me. In your very understandable dislike of Obama, his thugs, and his Admin, you are all throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The Olympics are in my opinion, a wonderful tradition, and our athletes work their b*tts off to perfect their athletic skills in preparation for these games. You do a giant disservice to our young athletes, and those of the world who also work for years to prepare for these games, in allowing your myopic hatred for Obama, et al, get in the way of what should be an event our country should be eager to host, regardless of what American city would win the Olympic competition.
And, by the way, I live in a suburb of Chicago and spent most of my working career in Chicago, as well as living there periodically also. Chicago, for the most part, is a wonderful city. It’s shoreline along Lake Michigan is magnificent, its cultural events are many, diverse, interesting and fun. Its history is unique for an American city, its architecture unsurpassed, and I’m sick and tired of hearing a bunch of ignorant people who have never been to the city or bothered to seek out its good parts rather than voice a litany of its alleged faults, badmouth Chicago endlessly.
Obama was not a born Chicagoan, he came here from elsewhere (originally from Kenya, the land of his birth), and it sickens me that Chicago has to bear the brunt of the dislike that emanates from the fact that he chose to move here and make it his home. Chicago is a great city, and those that take the time to really get to know her as well as I do, know this as well.
I love the Olympics, I love the competition amongst the best in their respective athletic events, and the patriotism it inspires when our athletes compete and take home the gold, silver, or bronze. I hope Chicago wins, and the Olympics come to our country, because I am patriotic about our country, our athletes, and our friendliness and welcoming attitude to visitors from around the world. Except for on this thread, that is.
I liked the chicago hotdogs at demon dogs by the fullerton El stop :0)