I know about as much about the so called scars as I do about where he was born.
Then there’s the question of the “bent left foot” from his childhood companion (or whatever you want to call her) and what appears to be a scar on his right calf as seen in some pic (right side or left side depending on if pic was flipped).
Then my own personal little conspiracy theory involving his look-a-like half brother David who was killed in a motorcycle accident. All I know is there’s just too many identifying marks that have not been explained. In the past, the msm was all over Bush and Reagan’s belly button lint.
Ya know how folks tease around here about his limp wrist and gay body language?
I always percieved his limp wrist ect as maybe a tinge of Cerebral Palsy. And I mean a small tinge.
(have spent my life working with all degress of)