Further proof that we need Obamacare NOW.
SERIOUS BS alert needed here.
This is about people SEARCHING for ‘flu’ on the ‘net. This is NOT about the disease or pathology or science.
Folks, H1N1 is indeed pandemic — meaning it is really widespread. Also, please understand that out-patient visits for “flu-like” symptoms are indeed up, meaning that lots of people are aware of the disease and seriously concerned enough to visit the doctor. That means diagnosed cases are up, numerically, driven by the number of tests administered. You get the idea.
But PLEASE, keep in mind this flu is relatively mild. In fact deaths attributed to genuine H1N1 flu cases are LOWER than epidemic levels. (see the CDC Fluview site).
People are going to the doc ‘cuz they are scared of what is in fact a mild flu — for which the doctor will prescribe “STAY HOME, force fluids, take pain relievers [NSAIDs) for aches and fever, get plenty of rest ... and also take this antibiotic to reduce the chance of secondary infection while you are sick with this virus.”
Go on with your life.
Just be aware that ***IF*** an H5N1 (not H1N1 like this one) develops an active human:human vector, then be afraid, be VERY afraid. But until then, go about your life as before.
BS...enough said.