I think Beck would tell you that he is not a GOPer. However McCain is.
BTW, I think you have it exactly backwards about the GOP. I think being in the wilderness has led them to worry about winning election and that takes a coherent philosophy as opposed to worrying about whether MSMediots and DC bigwigs like them.
It was the Kenyan that polarized us. McCain could have been the party leader, but he has made it obvious that he is not a leader. Rather than wallow in his defeat he should have continued supporting conservatives causes. Look at what Palin is doing.
McCain is not doing this because it was never about being conservative or being Republican to him...it was about McCain.
Beck woke up when 911 happened. I was here in Tampa when it happened. That is when he started taking a stand. I’m sorry that Mark L thinks he’s stupid...hey...you can’t please everyone.