Who cares about this my only point is that Beck is part of the movement it seems you are so emotionally attached to this man he is only a man we need millions of people to turn this around you are as important as any of them.
The main point for me is that we need to take this country back bit by bit it will take decades to think that in one broad swoop we are going to turn this around in a third pary is someone who doesnt understand how we got here.
Its taken the leftist over 70 years to get this opportunity to over throw our capitalist system for good.
Which means going forward the American people must stay vigilant for the rest of there lives when it comes to politics and not put their faith in one man or personality but in the principles of our founders.
But it starts by taking back the Republican party from the Mccains and Grahams and prop up the Conservatives in 2010. If we go the way of 3rd party we wont get the chance to fight that life long battle for our future.
This is not about one man one journalist one personality its about your family and future of your children period. I listen to Rush Levin Beck but I dont worship them that what the left wants because then they can manipulate you like they are doing now.
Stay focussed on the enemy and the ways we can engage them and defeat them politically.
Hmmm emotionally attached? I wouldn’t say that. I find him humerus and informative. And I think his 912 project is admirable..