Ron Paul doesn’t rail against earmarks. John McCain does to present some semblance of fiscal sanity. Paul realizes that they’re the best way to get money back to the people that deserve it most: taxpayers.
God forbid that there would be fiscal responsibility in this country, especially at the federal level of government.
Isn't that exactly the same every other overspending poltiicans does?
Ron Paul defends asking for special projects
Texas Republicans criticize spending bill, but help inflate it
"Republican congressmen derided the massive $410 billion spending bill approved by the House of Representatives last week, but some like Houston-area Rep. Ron Paul contributed to its size.""Paul, of Lake Jackson, managed to insert 22 earmarks worth $96.1 million into the bill, leading the Houston delegation, according to an analysis of more than 8,500 congressionally-mandated projects in the bill by the Houston Chronicle.
Take off the rose colored glasses.