From a relative who is a teacher, some teachers
can work one day and receive SS.
I had to work years and years.
From a relative who is a teacher, some teachers can work one day and receive SS.
No, that's wrong.
As there's something missing / misleading from what your relative told you.
Use the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool and see for yourself. Make up any dates or figures you want. Teachers are nothing special as far as the SSA is concerned. They may as well be Burger Flippers at McDonald's.
I know. Our youngest daughter is a Full Time 'TA' and works with 'Special Needs' kids, and is in the *evil* NEA. She gets squat - even has her own Health Insurance Policy. The NEA's was more expensive.
There's a LOT of misinformation on what Teachers get from being in the NEA. From their pay, benefits and to being 'dismissed' (Fired).