Maybe it works better than Tang, which someone said could serve as the oxidate (sp?--that which is oxidized?). I believe he was trying to make something called TATP, which is supposed to be powerful, but highly unstable.
The Tang bomb works by breaking an oxygen off the H2O2. Probably the sugar and/or citric acid act as a catalyst. This releases a huge amount of oxygen inside a fairly strong container, such as a 2-liter beverage bottle. They can take upwards of 200 psi. When it blows, the rapidly moving gases and particles of plastic can cause some serious damage to people nearby. But they aren’t on the scale of a good TAPT bomb.
Bombs generally work by generating large amounts of gases very rapidly inside strong containers to build up high pressures. The container fails catastrophically, suddenly releasing gases that travel at high speeds along with pieces of the container.