Here’s the real Texas, thanks to stupid liberals, we have ‘redistributive wealth’ in local school taxes, with poor districts (at least they used to be poor—when the law passed) getting tax dollars literally siphoned out of (formerly) wealthy districts to offset the inbalance in economic equity allegedly required by the Texas constitution. Since the beginning of Robin Hood school funding(as it is known down here), countless ‘wealthy’ districts face school closings, teacher lay-offs, supply shortages, etc. while simultaneously being forced to send as much as $2,000 per local student that the district takes in taxes to other districts to do with as they please. So the poor Mexican illegals can get an American education, other Texas tax-paying citizens’ children are being forced to do without textbooks, teachers, and schools. It’s the only thing I truly have hated about living in Texas.
These are not victimless crimes. Education policy and Health care policy are both dependent on immigration policy.
We are spending more to educate and illegal in the US then to educate a citizen, due to busing, ESL and other special ed. We are proposing to ration health care to Granny to give health care to illegals. The Govt keeps trying to tell us it isn’t happening, but we know better.
I have a graph of our property taxes, county taxes, and school taxes. Guess which one keeps going up?
... Ken -- a poor unemployed guy in Plano.