Certain people have an agenda denying that such Muslims exist at all. It is easier to have a simplicistic black&white picture.
Regardless of islam itself (which I am not defending as the "ROP"), there are many Muslims, by accident or by choice, pious or secular, who are wonderful persons.
Churchill had it right when he said to the effect that islam is a most retrogard force, which nontheless doesn't stop individual Muslims (and there are numerous) from having splendid qualities.
In the American context, any self-described Muslim who adheres to the Constitution, American values and is even willing to serve Old Glory in the frontline against the islamist terrorists is good in my book.
“Certain people have an agenda denying that such Muslims exist at all. It is easier to have a simplicistic black&white picture.”
Let us know what they have accomplished. Because I can easily show you that the problem is getting worse and worse.
It is simple, Islam destroys societies from within and if Muslim immigration is not ended, the West will eventually fall to Islam. “Moderates” are irrelevant.
American Muslims use our Constitution to advance Islam, they deserve no praise for that.