Back in 1975, Ronald Reagan called for a 'revitalized' Republican Party, 'raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people.'"I promise you I will not be going away. I will continue to be active in politics, speaking out on the issues - free market solutions, constitutional principles, strong national defense, pro-life policies, tough border security, lower taxes, and limited government. The Republican Party is strongest and most effective when we remain true to these policies."
I was part of Ross Perot's grassroots---went to rallies, did the bumper sticker thing, even met him in person. I deeply regret that I voted for him when it was abundantly clear that there was no way he could win after his selection of running mate James Stockdale.
I now believe that we have to weed out the RINOS and encourage true CONSERVATIVES to run for office, knowing they will have our full support.
Here is another Reagan quote from the 1970s.
” Well, third parties have been notoriously unsuccessful; they usually wind up dividing the very people that should be united. And then we elect the wrong kindthe side were out to defeat wins.”