This decision seems quick - for two stories about (according to the MSM) low-level ACORN workers. More to come?
This decision seems quick - for two stories about (according to the MSM) low-level ACORN workers. More to come? Yes - enough people have gotten so FED UP with the corruption in ACORN that they've been compiling information FOR MONTHS. It will be a steady drip until the sink overflows. It MUST remain a steady drip, or all of this will soon be dismissed as "isolated incidences" ... Sadly the MSM have been BLIND on this, forcing ordinary citizens to do it instead! The FBI has been mostly blind, too. These citizen investigations may not hold up in front of a judge in the short term. For now, this is in the court of Public Opinion and public opinion is cementing - ACORN is criminal trash. In the days and weeks ahead, we will see the massive corruption that is ACORN, and how OBAMA and the Dems are tied to ACORN. We here at Free Republic need to ASSIST with that cognitive connection - I'm sure we're quite up to the task. Like Glenn has been hammering - Obama and the Democrats will throw ACORN under the bus, like disposable people. They will claim that ACORN does some good work. The politicians and leaders of ACORN will ATTEMPT to morph ACORN into a NEW organization as has been in decades past. That is not good enough and cannot be allowed to happen - ACORN leadership and political beneficiaries must be the target of the eventual CRIMINAL investigations!
ACORN must be CUT OUT like the CANCER it is, so America will NOT go into ACORN remission.Anything that ACORN has touched is up for re-evaluation - ANYTHING.