ACORN got something like 6 Billion dollars (anyone remember the exact amount?) in the Porkulus Bill.
All that money needs to be taken from them NOW!!!
It was $8,500,000,000 directly to ACORN through some programs, with numerous additional opportunities for them.
TheConservativeParty wrote:
ACORN got something like 6 Billion dollars (anyone remember the exact amount?) in the Porkulus Bill.
All that money needs to be taken from them NOW!!!
Some were for things like information and eduction programs about the DTV switchover. So that money may already be in the hands of ACORN.
Please, everyone, write your Congress Critters and Senators to get as much of the remaining funds for ACORN returned to the treasury. It would be really nice if this money went to deficit reduction and isn’t spent on something else.
And we need to watch carefully, the ACORN crooks might need some “seed money” for starting their next criminal enterprise. So keep an eye on the federal spending for “community organizing” purposes. Also watch out for houses with a bunch of foreign, non-English speaking young girls. From the videos, it seems like ACORN knows a lot about that business and could raise cash that way if they needed to.