Posted on 09/09/2009 11:27:49 PM PDT by Nachum
Human Rights Watch's employment of a man who trades and collects Nazi memorabilia as its "senior military expert" is a "new low" for the organization that frequently criticizes Israel, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's policy director Ron Dermer said Wednesday. Netanyahu's policy director,...
"I thought that nothing could top a human rights organization trying to raise money in Saudi Arabia, but I was apparently wrong," said Dermer, referring to HRW's fundraising efforts in the kingdom earlier this year, using its reports against Israel as a sales pitch. "A war crimes investigator who is an avid collector and trader in Nazi memorabilia is perhaps a new low.
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History repeats itself and hear is another snapshot.
This is America, I have never in my life connected collecting German war memorabilia with anything.
As a kid I had lots of the stuff that my dad gave me from the war, I have friends that collect it. This is America we can collect cool stuff from distant wars.
I just added a Nazi war badge that I got from a friend that was an infantryman that fought them in WWII, I myself earned my German jump wings with the German army.
Did you know that in France and Germany, you cannot even sell stuff like this on Ebay? Personally, I think it should all go into a museum.
Bah. This is why you don’t ban symbols. It only increases their raw market value.
ansel, all of that is fine, but the guy in this article is a professional “war crimes investigator” who spends all day documenting the “war crimes” of the Israeli army and propagandizing. but it is a free country.
There is nothing wrong collecting Nazi memorabilia. My father did for years and aquired a good collection.
I am starting to do it myself.
And yes, I am going to conclude the people involved in this are indeed anti-Jewish for trading Nazi "memorabilia" because if anyone who had conservative political leanings was caught doing this, the same verdict would be reached by the left.
Is it such a coincidence that the Marc fellow smears Israel and collects Nazi memorabilia? Maybe he wears his Nazi memorabilia as he writes mears against Israel for the mis named Human Rights Watch.
Maybe significant, but also maybe because the most famous German flak gun was the 88mm.
Why doesn't this clown say verracht Judea while he is at it (child's face is properly obscured)?
As an American you should be ashamed of yourself, collecting war memorabilia is just fine, we bring a lot of stuff home from our wars with foreigners and usually people and future generations collect it as well.
The guy is a big history buff and he collects the most popular war memorabilia, WWII, both German and American I even have some and I wish I still had all the stuff that I had in my youth.
You don’t gain anything from attacking Americans like this, this is pure liberalism.
Foreigners have their own arguments and issues, Americans don’t always share them.
We have our own interest in WWII collectables and in the war itself.
sounds like HRW is employing a NAZI to “research” Israel. But that is such an innocent thing, I am sure that they mean well.
Collecting war memorabilia does not make one a Nazi.
Be an American for crying out loud.
if HRW can engage in their lies and distortions ... I am perfectly willing to call mr. flak88 a nazi. If this is an exaggeration, it is much less one than the ones HRW engages in.
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