McCain spoke out strongly against the public option just today (and co-ops as well which he said is the same thing). McCain sounded like he is strongly against any bill in the current form.
The public option is just part of the problem. The trouble with McCain is that he can speak out of both sides of his mouth, although that frequently isn’t necessary because he normally doesn’t know what he’s talking about to begin with. The only thing he is good at is being a useful idiot for the other side.
McLame has a strong opponent in his election attempt next year.
Never trust John McCain. Just watch - he is playing for the highest payoff benefit for him along with his crony Lindsay.
He will become so enamored of having Obama personally call him to use his power to “work this out” that he will revel in being the power broker to “sell us into slavery to a life which will end when the government wants the money spent on you and me for some perk for them or to redistribute the funds to be used on you for some political gain for them.
I never thought such was even a possibility in America - the land of the free.