Look, LazSpaz,
You have your . . . interesting role to play
and I have my whatever role to play.
I’m skeptical that apologies, satirical or not,
are part of the script.
On another note . . . who knows when the genocidal traitors from hell will get around to implementing the global fiat currency.
Perhaps after insuring that everyone is as destitute and hungry as they can make them.
Get out your magnifying glass and a dollar bill and have some fun. There is indeed a lot of amazing symbolism and numerology, much of it from Clandestine Luciferian Masonic (CLuM) or perhaps Rosicrucian, on this Federal Reserve Note but finds the magical number 33 in several places on the dollar bill, which corresponds with the number of years Jesus is said to have lived on Earth.
There are 55 dots and 25 lines in the "glory" surrounding the "constellation" over the eagle on the obverse. I have yet to expound on the numerological significance to CLuMs for the numbers 55 and 25, but I will. The constellation Lyra, the Lyre, (the LIAR?) found on the bill represents America; since Lyra in fact has 10 stars, and as a JudeoChristian nation we are bound by 10 Commandments. The old Latin motto was properly "Ex pluribus unum," which was modified to the less usual usage of "E pluribus unum" to achieve the count of 13 letters in the motto (13 being an important CLuM number); similarly "Novus ordo saeclorum" was modified to the less usual "Novus ordo seclorum" to achieve the count of 17 letters for similar Luciferian numerological reasons. There 33 words or groups of numbers on the obverse, and that there are nine "units" to the large word "ONE" with 11 shadow units, numerologically significant numbers. What makes this convincing to me is the fact that the two smallest shadow units are totally unnecessary to the artistic design, in fact they are obtrusive once you notice them (they look a bit like apostrophes, and you would probably not notice them if you were not looking for them), so they have to have been deliberately planted into the pattern. (It is too bad the designer of the 1935 dollar bill, Edward M. Weeks, evidently never set forth in writing the symbolism he went to such lengths to put into his product.) The letters USA appear on the back of the dollar bill 26 times; what he means is that the letters U, S and A taken separately appear 26 times in total. "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ONE DOLLAR" has 37 letters, which does have a numerological significance. Then there is the business of the pyramid; there are 202 surviving courses in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh (said to be the model for the pyramid on the dollar bill). Seven more courses, at the top, including the capstone, are missing or fragmentary, whatever that means. That would make 209 courses total in the intact pyramid. But some say it was 221. Be that as it may (a topic for future investigation?), the highest surviving course is "nine massy stones" plus "two that are wanting at the angles" or 11 stones. THIS IS CLEARLY A REFERENCE TO THE terrorist incidents of 9-11-2001!!!!
Seriously, for a second: I don’t think there’s a person alive who’s doing more serious research than me.
People will cry out for a savior, and be he God or the devil, people will accept him.
That IS the plan.