From the comments:
"According to an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the family were first told that he died in an automobile accident. After that, they were told that he had been shot. It was only later on that it was revealed to the family that it was an officer-related (aka 'isolated incident') shooting.
And yes, of course, according to the police spokesman who wasn't on the scene, the officers did try to warn him: They yelled, Police. Stop, Shirley said."
1 posted on
09/07/2009 10:01:26 AM PDT by
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To: marktwain
Chalk another innocent's death up to the idiotic War On Drugs.
How much more blood has to flow through the streets before common sense prevails and we end this stupidity?
"According to an article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the family were first told that he died in an automobile accident. After that, they were told that he had been shot. It was only later on that it was revealed to the family that it was an officer-related (aka 'isolated incident') shooting.
And this is yet another instance of a bunch of rat bastard pigs trying to cover there buts rather than come clean and deal with the facts. Absolutely no compassion for the innocent man they gunned down...they think of themselves first. I'll bet the ONLY reason they changed their tune was because of the video. I respect good cops, but those involved in this deserve nothing but condemnation. There's simply no defense for their behavior before or after the shooting.
26 posted on
09/07/2009 11:47:45 AM PDT by
(WOOF!!! Be prepared for what's coming AFTER America.....)
To: marktwain
Developing story in Georgia, where church pastor Jonathan Ayers was shot and killed by undercover narcotics officers during a botched drug sting ....I hope those cops stand in good stead with the Lord. I wouldn't want to be standing in their shoes when they finally get to face HIM.
28 posted on
09/07/2009 12:23:05 PM PDT by
(Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
To: marktwain
"shot and killed by undercover narcotics officers"
no he wasn't shot by an undercover. it's a small point, but about on-par with idiot journalists who say 'assault rifle' when it's not an assault rifle.
30 posted on
09/07/2009 12:24:45 PM PDT by
(yes, as a matter of fact, i DID only read the excerpt)
To: marktwain
does the article say why the cops were after this woman and what business the pastor had with the woman?
33 posted on
09/07/2009 12:26:53 PM PDT by
(yes, as a matter of fact, i DID only read the excerpt)
To: marktwain
It's sad. The man died and didn't even know who his attackers was. The whole Police department should be turned on its head and punished.
As a side note... is it just me, or are local law enforcement officers starting to turn up the oppression meter lately?
Why can't they just enforce the laws when people break them, instead of always going on snipe hunts. And most importantly, just leave us alone.
35 posted on
09/07/2009 12:40:05 PM PDT by
(Trust in God)
To: marktwain
There needs to be a better way for law enforcement officers to identify themselves other than by shouting "Police. Stop!" I mean are you honestly going to believe a bunch of guys in plain clothes who jumped out of an Escalade and pointed guns at you that they are the police? Under cover drug agents don't look like typical cops. Typical cops wear uniforms, have badges, and don't shoot preists.
Also, I thought the police aren't supposed to open fire on a suspect unless they are shooting in defense of their own lives. They might be able to claim self defense because one of them got behind his car while he was backing up, but you can't shoot at a car that is fleeing away from you.
To: marktwain
I wont bother reading any replies or the rest of the article before saying that these thugs need to be charged, convicted and hanged by the neck till dead...period...
38 posted on
09/07/2009 3:25:45 PM PDT by
(Luke 22:36...Trust in the Lord...=...LiveFReeOr Die...)
To: marktwain
There is no way I’d recognise what was being yelled at me in such a situation. Unknown men piling out of a car and screaming as they point guns at me from behind? I’d drive off in hope that the thugs would instead rob/kidnap whoever was left at the store. Self-defensive, not criminal - apparently meriting being shot in the back by a bunch of cowards.
You watch as they investigate themselves. They’ll still be found “in fear for their lives and had to defend themselves.” I can’t watch the videotape (dialup) but all the same I’ll bet the cops are cleared as “heros doing a dangerous job” who were “in a critical, fast-flowing situation.”
39 posted on
09/07/2009 4:01:32 PM PDT by
Titan Magroyne
(Freedom is taken, not given.)
To: Thud
To: marktwain
Another example of this war on drugs being out of control. I don’t care if they arrested 100 people for buying dope, coke or crack. If one innocent persons life like Reverend Ayers has to pay for it, it’s not worth the cost for a victimless crime such as doing drugs.
To: marktwain
Innocent life lost? No news here!
At least they didn’t shoot his dog, so his widow has that...
47 posted on
09/08/2009 5:11:39 AM PDT by
(Genocide is the highest sacrament of socialism - "Who-whom?")
To: Clintonfatigued; Abathar; Abcdefg; Abram; Abundy; akatel; albertp; AlexandriaDuke; ...
50 posted on
09/08/2009 6:50:29 AM PDT by
(Avoid self-righteousness like the devil- nothing is so self-blinding. -- B.H. Liddell Hart)
To: marktwain
Police will lie to cover their own @ss like anybody else....(no obama) first hand experience
they do an honorable job but they aren’t infallible and are humans who have potential to abuse power
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