This all sounds pretty well though out....Except for one small problem (which a visit to the Moyock facility would make very clear)....Xe doesn’t train, or send in-country, mercenary armies...
Business models change. Xe is at least positioned and staffed to do this kind of work. Plus, they could probably afford to purchase and outfit a Caribbean island as their headquarters. They could hire a legion of Gurkhas, Sikhs, South Koreans, and other such light infantry talent. They would be out of the legal limelight, as far as US lawyers are concerned, a big plus.
With success, they might eventually create a mainland Africa base, since it is likely much of their activities would be conducted there, acting as a neutral peacekeeping force.
Ironically, a national military force that is ideally suited to do much the same work, but in the Middle East, is the Iraqi Army. Right now, they could easily equip and train an international grade force of two to three brigades to act as “Muslim peacekeepers”, through most of the Muslim world. With Shiite, and Sunni, and Kurds, they are not inherently a problem about anywhere.
For example, a brigade deployed to southern Lebanon would be far more effective than the UN forces there now. They would supplant Hezbollah, protecting the Lebanese Shiites from the other Lebanese, not be aggressive to Israel, not be offensive to Lebanese Sunni, or even Christians. What a juggling act.
Possibilities of the future.