I started shooting when I was FOUR. Its not about the safety, it's about the maturity of when to use a gun and when not to use a gun. Guns are cool, the power is inebriating, and young adults are particularly vulnerable to it. It's just a bad idea. I think you shouldn't be able to get a gun permit until you are at least 28 or so unless it is for work.
I'm saying that I WAS NOT MATURE ENOUGH and I was trained about gun safety like most never are.
Well, I'm the dad to 2 college-aged kids and the holder of a MI CCW license. First of all, neither kid is as mature as I would like, but I bet they are both mature enough to a) keep the thing put away when it should be put away and b) take the thing to class JUST IN CASE THE UNTHINKABLE SHOULD HAPPEN.
I really thought that, after the debacle (and massacre) at Virginia Tech, we would have finally learned enough to know that a classroom full of unarmed teens and early 20-somethings is JUST PLAIN STUPID. But maybe not. Maybe possible "immaturity" should keep our kids from being able to protect themselves as they sit in college classrooms.