Hey, you and I are on the same side. I was merely trying to clarify the issue at hand -- which you seem to be continuing to cloud -- By focusing on people like the ones you mention above -- who are most unlikely to go through the training and education to get a CHL in the first place..
We agree that the world is full of irresponsible idiots. That is, unfortunately, where we must live -- and survive.
However, the admitted presence of hoplophobic imbeciles and other incompetents is no excuse for allowing zones to exist where we are deprived of our God-given right to self-defense.
The proposed law allows those of us who are responsible to exercise our rights. It does not encourage hoplophobic, underaged incompetents to start carrying guns.
BTW, you gave me a nice chuckle. Your 'friend' reminds me of the young airline clerk who shrieked and recoiled from my (opened-for-inspection) lockable hardcase -- exactly as if she had seen a snake -- when I asked her to verify that my (fieldstripped) handguns were safe to transport... ;-}