Words are deeds. They're deeds which are used to persuade others and influence their deeds.
Would you excuse Adolph Hitler because he didn't personally murder Jews? Words were Hitler's tools.
Words are NOT deeds.
A person's words are his utterances and remarks or his writings meant to convey a thought to others.
Deeds on the other hand are the carrying out of words by some act or action. Hence the familiar expression; Deeds, not words, matter most.
In the context of my concerns about the words and deeds of President Obama it has become a matter of asking if the deeds can be reconciled with his words. In simple terms, does our President keep his word? These same questions apply to those who President Obama selected to advise him.
I can admire President Obamas basketball action to fake right and then move left. This admiration does not extend to his presidency or to this administration.
Do you think it is unfair to question the President and his advisors words and deeds?
What? Hitler ordered the murder of Jews, and his subjects had to obey those orders. Orders are deeds.