The reason I can't vote for him IS his Mormonism. The Mormon man believes too much in himself. The Mormon man thinks he can actually become (a) god, with as many wives as he desires. The wives sole role is reproduction and submission. Women have no opportunity in the Mormon economy, and can even be left behind by their man.
Anyone who can accept the Mormon concept cannot be my President. They are completely antithetical to this Christian mind, regardless of how "prety" he looks from the outside. Mormonism twists the truths of Christianity, and says they have the only way. They preach God didn't finish His plan with Jesus, and that instead, Joe Smith holds the keys to heaven.
There is only one God, and Mitt isn't He (and will never be!).
There is only one person on the Conservative side being heard loud and clear. Simply by posting on her Facebook page, she has forced Zero into a corner. Feel free to join and support her.
What a great country we have. Even the stupid and the bigoted get to vote.