This officer did not arrest anyone...he did back down
0bama's objective is to make it so the black officer will not back down next time
He'll throw the protestors as in jail
Thanks God the incident was video taped...It kept the officer honest
Actually, inspite of his being wrong, I find the SSO seemed well mannered, polite, and reserved in expressing his disdain for the Obama picture. Oh boy, I hope those are plastic darts I see headed my way already.
Hear me out. I think we all know, or have witnessed other democratic officers of like mind, while performing in the line of duty, why, they would have yanked the poster from protester’s hands when he refused their command to put it down. Then they would have tasered and cuffed the guy for refusing to comply with the commands of an officer. Since after being tasered and ordered to remain still, unable to comply, they would have tasered him again, adding resisting arrest to the charges as well.
After an “exhaustive” investigation, the cop’s spokesperson would go public with the statement “it was found the officers were acting justifiably and within depart(mental) policy guidelines.”
End of story.
Hey, I’m just keepin on the sunny side. :)