Ah, the Democrats’ “Wellstone” Syndrome surfaces.
What foundamental rights?Health,wealth,job,fooding,housing,intelligence,hollydays,sunshine,no global warming....But no duties? Typically liberal!
What kind of Health cares? What about the right to GOOD and appropriate health cares?
ChappaquiddickCare! Same old garbage as ObamaCare.
Yes, by all means...
Name this bill after a man who clung to his PRIVATE health care to his dying day.
Not that I doubt for one moment that Ted will be allowed to be buried in Arlington (which I just heard on the news) my review of requirements suggest he is NOT qualified
The closest I can find is this:
"Any former member of the Armed Forces who served on active duty (other than for training) AND who held any of the following positions:
* An elective office of the U.S. Government (such as a term in Congress).
As far as I know, Kennedy served in active duty in the military, so anyone know how one gets a waiver?
Bob Fertik
Bob Fertik is the president of Democrats.com and co-founder of AfterDowningStreet.org
On ABC's This Week with George Stephanopolous, the host asked President-Elect Obama about the number one-ranked question from Democratic activist Bob Fertik: "Will you appoint a Special Prosecutor - ideally Patrick Fitzgerald - to independently investigate the gravest crimes of the Bush Administration, including torture and warrantless wiretapping?" Obama's answer was far from definitive - he said he was still "evaluating" the question, but was more inclined to "look forward as opposed to looking backwards." He did suggest that Attorney General designee Eric Holder would have some say in potential prosecutions.
Their faulty reasoning is easy to put to flight if we just ask the right questions and keep the pressure on.
Everyone who didn't see this coming, the using of the Whales death to push health care, raise their hand!
One other point, ask them why the government wasn't making health care decisions for Kennedy in his last days.
Yup, name it Ted and kill it off!
I wonder if McCain is going to support the bill since it is named after his buddy.
Destroy the Republic as a memorial to Ted Kennedy? I guess that would be an appropriate memorial for Mr. K.
How about a Ted Kennedy Memorial Swimming Vest
Or a Ted Kennedy Memorial Topless Bar and a Ted Kennedy Memorial Waitress Sandwich
These are more fitting
We might as well name it after him. Like all those who will vote for it, Teddy hasn't read it either.
They can change the name to Kennedycare, but it still won’t work.
In memory of Ted, I wonder if near-drowning will be covered? Or acute alcoholism?
So says Exalted Cyclops Bobbie Byrd.