what makes you think we outnumber them? we may not get a chance to defend the constitution.
Well, Glenn says we outnumber them, but I personally haven’t taken a straw poll. The daily tracking polls are already negative and inflation hasn’t even hit yet. Will their be pain? Sure. Am I willing to give up on America? No way.
“what makes you think we outnumber them?”
We do outnumber them. There are more taxpayers than there are freeloaders (at this point) & there are more gun-owners than commies/lefties. It just comes down to: when does the sh*t hit the fan? Sooner rather than later, if you ask me.
Watching Beck gives me hope. My own mother voted for Obama & told me he really was a ‘moderate.’ Of course, her tv is tuned into CNN or ABC or NBC all day. I should have taped this week’s shows & kidnapped her to make her watch. She used to be far more sensible about politics! But she’s always believed she was a liberal - meaning classical liberal & doesn’t realize that liberal now means something entirely different. Voting for a black man gave her a thrill, as she was always for civil rights, but what’s coming next certainly won’t be as thrilling. And folks like my mom just don’t realize it - yet.